To stay in one place in the air usually by moving the wings quickly. A word or expression that can be understood in two or more possible ways. Word Of The Day Ambiguous Can You Use It In A Sentence Advanced English Vocabulary Word Of The Day Words In sublation a term or concept is both preserved and changed through its dialectical. . This replaced the ambiguity of Xs midnight with that of night of the date. Juego de palabras loc nom m. The quality or state of having a veiled or uncertain meaning. To speak with ambiguity. Ambiguousness darkness equivocalness Antonyms. Ambiguity as a noun means The definition of ambiguity is a word or sentence that is not clear about the intention or meaning. Its likely to be inclusive if the situation described is notable by its presence. This can only help if the night is sufficiently specified by the date which may not be the case. After becoming religious Julie found dee...